Returns of provisions, 1777-1778.


Returns of provisions, 1777-1778.

The collection contains fragmented accountings of provisions "Received for the Troops in Camp under the Command of His Excellency George Washington Esquire Commander in Chief . ." Listed are provisions for four and one half months, apparently collected for troops at Valley Forge, Pa. Also, a six months supply "Return of Stores and Provisions Received at the different Posts and Magazines in the Middle Department," and "Return of Provisions and Stores" received and remaining at specified posts in Virginia under the direction of Stewart's deputy, Wm. Green Munford. Sites in Virginia included: Portsmouth, Fredericksburgh, Alexandria, Petersburgh, Richmond, and York-Town. Tabulations of provisions included: Pork, Head Cattle, Fresh Beef, Salt Beef, Sheep, Veal, Mutton, Butter, Spirits, Rum, Whiskey, Vinegar, Hides, Salt, Tallow, Peas, Rice, Fish, Soap, Candles, Indn. Meal, Potatoes, Molasses, Turnips, Flour etc.

1 item.


SNAC Resource ID: 7623803

University of Virginia. Library

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Munford, William Green. (person)

Stewart, Charles, 1956-.... (person)

Continental Army Commissary General of Issues. From the description of Returns of provisions, 1777-1778. (University of Virginia). WorldCat record id: 50298992 ...